Underwatertimes.com News Service - April 29, 2007 08:48 EST

The May, 2007 episode of Shark Conspiracies is now available for free download. Shark Conspiracies explores shark sightings and attacks in a new way, by exposing the cover-ups and misinformation sometimes generated from tourism and conservation interests. Shark Conspiracies claims to be both "pro shark" and "pro truth."

The May episode discusses shark attacks in Hawaii, and features an exclusive interview with Randy Honebrink, the Shark Response Coordinator, and former head of the State Shark Task Force, for the State of Hawaii.

"I was fortunate enough to get an excellent interview with Mr. Honebrink," Kevin Harris, the show's host and creator said. "Some of the topics we covered include tiger sharks verses great whites, media coverage of shark events in the islands, and the current status of Hawaii's State Shark Task Force, among others," Mr. Harris added.

The 30-minute podcast is available to listen or to download for free at sharkconspiracies.net.