Underwatertimes.com News Service - September 2, 2007 17:00 EST
shark Feeding cage diving

Feeding large sharks to draw them in and tantalize tourists has become a popular, if not controversial activity.

The September 2007 episode of Shark Conspiracies is now available for free download. Shark Conspiracies explores shark sightings and attacks in a new way, by exposing the cover-ups and misinformation sometimes generated from tourism and conservation interests. Shark Conspiracies claims to be both "pro shark" and "pro truth."

This month Kevin discusses the controversial activity of shark feeding, as it relates to cage diving. He covers its history, its benefits, and most of all, the dangers presented by making sharks associate humans, boats and cages with food. The podcast runs about 10.5 minutes.

The podcast is available to listen or to download for free at sharkconspiracies.net.